11 S>max A 1 4 2 5 3 6 B B 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 4 3 subject to alterations 1 Recess 2 Seal 3 Deformation area 4 Release of seal 5 Targeted deformation 6 Nitrogen escapes via evacuation groove 1 Seal 2 Overflow openings 3 No sealing function 4 Nitrogen gas escapes into the atmosphere 1 Over-extended stroke marking ring 2 Bursting screw 3 Evacuation groove 4 Marking ring deformed 5 Bursting screw triggered 6 Nitrogen escapes via evacuation groove Overstroke protection Conventional gas springs may burst in the event of an over-extended stroke. Components may come loose and be ejected. FIBRO gas springs are different: In the event of an over-extended stroke, the patented protection system (depending on the spring type) ensures that either the piston rod destroys a bursting screw in the base of the cylinder (A) or the seal on the cylinder wall of the gas spring loses its sealing function in a specific way (B). The benefit for you: ▶ No risk of parts flying around in the event of an overstroke Possible causes of triggering: Lack of stroke limitations in the tool/machine and placing the piston rods under a load (e.g. sheet-metal holder, slide reset, etc.), double sheet, incorrect installation position, etc. FIBRO GAS SPRINGS – FOR YOUR SAFETY MAXIMUM SAFETY FOR PERSONS AND TOOLS