FIBRO - Standard Parts

E12 E167-179 E169 E170 E172 E174 E176 E178 E181-183 E182 E183 E185-187 E186 E187 E189-191 E190 E191 CONTENTS subject to alterations Matrixes, Automotive Standard 2605. Matrix without shoulder, blank, Automotive Standard 2615. Matrix without shoulder, round, Automotive Standard 2625. Matrix without shoulder, square, Automotive Standard 2635. Matrix without shoulder, rectangular, Automotive Standard 2645. Matrix without shoulder, slot, Automotive Standard 2655. Matrix without shoulder, rectangle with radiused corners, Automotive Standard Matrixes DIN 9845 260. Matrix without collar, DIN 9845 Shape A 261. Matrix with collar, DIN 9845 Shape B Matrixes, cylindrical 2602. Matrix without collar, cylindrical 2612. Matrix with collar, cylindrical Matrixes, conical 2601. Matrix without collar, conical 2611. Matrix with collar, conical