FIBRO - Standard Parts

E223 STRIPPING UNIT - PRESSURE PLATE R9 R 1 a d 2 11,1 5 9 2667.1. Stripping unit pressure plate Note: Pressure plate, mounting plate and screw must all be ordered individually. 3mm±1 3mm±1 2664.05. 2664.06. 2664.02. 2664.04. Retainer Pre-tensioning Pre-tensioning Retainer Mounting example Order No d2 R1 a 2667.1.010 10 13 28 2667.1.013 13 15.5 31 2667.1.016 16 18 32.9 2667.1.020 20 20.5 34.8 2667.1.025 25 24 39.8 2667.1.032 32 31 41.3 2667.1.038 38 36 45 2667.1.040 40 36 45 2667.1. Stripping unit - Pressure plate