FIBRO - Standard Parts

L51 Flex GuideTM Dual Seal TM WPM PRP subject to alterations FIBRO GAS SPRINGS – THE SAFER CHOICE OPTIMUM SAFETY FOR TOOLS AND OPERATORS Flexible guides: The Flex GuideTM System The Flex GuideTM System is a flexible guide in the gas spring which absorbs lateral movements of the piston rod. It minimises friction and lowers the operating temperature. Lateral movement Conventional Guide FlexGuideTM System The benefits for you: ► Extended service life ► Increased stroke frequency, i.e. more strokes per minute Conventional Guide high high low low Lateral Movement Life time & Frequency Flex Guide TM System Safe hose connections: The Dual SealTM System The FIBRO Dual SealTM System combines a metal seal with a soft elastomer seal. On hose connection systems, the system provides two leak-tight connections and prevents rotation. The benefits for you: ► Leak-tight connection, even under vibrations ►High process reliability ►Minimised tool down time ► Simple installation thanks to anti-rotation function Wireless monitoring: The Wireless Pressure Monitoring (WPM) System The optional Wireless Pressure Monitoring System (WPM) (patent pending) wirelessly monitors the pressure and temperature of FIBRO gas springs. Before a defective part is produced, the press operator receives a message from the WPM and can take appropriate action. The benefits for you: ► Preventative quality assurance ►High process reliability ►Minimised tool down time ►Reduced maintenance and costs Potential faults are individually displayed. As a result, service intervals can be extended. Maintenance and repair costs are reduced. Protected piston rods: FIBRO Concertina Shrouds The FIBRO Piston Rod Protection (patented) reliably protects the piston rods in gas springs against dirt, oil and emulsion. In this way, the system prevents damage to the piston rod surface and leaks at internal seals. The benefit for you: ► Significantly longer service life for gas springs under harsh operating conditions FIBRO reliability features Dirt Oil